How I started with Freelancing and become successful…


Hi! I used to work in Makati as Purchasing Supervisor from one of the biggest cement manufacturing company here in the Philippines. I have 3 kids, my eldest child has seizure disorder and because of severe seizure he also suffered with mental developmental delays. Due to his condition I decided to quit my job and personally attend to my children’s needs especially with Gab my eldest son who really needed a hand, love and care. Because of being jobless that time I encountered many hardships and obstacles like my relationship with my husband, how to sustain my son’s maintenance medicine to control his seizures, how to provide for our daily needs like food and other basic needs.

For those periods of being jobless, my son’s seizures were more frequent and my 2 daughters that time were very young 6 & 5 y/o while Gab was 9y/o. My brother offered me to live here in Cebu last 2005, he and her wife managed an orphanage and I decided to accept my brother’s offer to live in the orphanage with my 3 kids. For 6 years my kids and I shared with homeless, outcast, abused, and abandoned children. Most of them were very young 6y/o below, As a volunteer teacher I taught them how to read and write for their preparation in primary school. Last June of 2011, the orphanage were abolished due to lack of permit and no regular sponsor to sustain the needs of the orphanage.

August 2011 we learned about oDesk from my nephew’s friend and I signed-up with oDesk September 13, 2011 in the Internet Cafe, I have no computer and internet connections that time. I started to build my profile even though I have no idea of what types of job are available, how can I meet the requirements of my prospective client if I have no computer. I got my 1st contract, fixed price for $11 and was very happy. I worked on this for more than 12 hours from 6PM to 8:00AM and I received a 5 star feedback from my 1st client. Because of all those hardships and love for my family I was motivated to work hard and diligently. I told myself “now that I can work at home while taking care of my kids this is the opportunity that I’ve waited for years after I quit my corporate job”. I have to do my best to meet my client’s expectations, to pleased them and give value to their money and build their trust and confidence in me.

Now that I already build my career with oDesk I can provide for all our needs (food, shelter, clothing, extra money, I can also share blessings to others in need, have 3 laptops for my work). I also inspired others because as a single mom with 3 kids I was able to stand and provide for my family.

My advice to all new freelancers don’t lose hope, be patient while applying for a job and more important is to pray and ask the Lord for guidance and encouragement. Be grateful in all you have. Gratitude is a way to success.

Thanks for reading, I hope you will be inspired and encouraged. Thanks #oDesk and to all clients who trusted me and most of all to God who is ever faithful in all His promises.

Let’s connect on LinkedIn  :

My oDesk profile:


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When suffering becomes a privilege, it ceases to be painful.

When suffering becomes a privilege, it ceases to be painful..

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When suffering becomes a privilege, it ceases to be painful.

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Within you are two selves – the higher and the lower

Within you are two selves – the higher and the lower.

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The deeper you go into others, the more you go higher to heaven..

The deeper you go into others, the more you go higher to heaven..

The deeper you go into others, the more you go higher to heaven, because the deeper you go into the sacrifice of the Son, the higher you go into the power of the Father- the height of understanding, the height of glory, from the depths of your love and compassion.

Great power is not healing the sick, not walking on water or prophesying what is to come, not feeding the 5,000, not parting the red
sea, not even creating the universe, but the greatest power is the demonstration of Christ’s love on the cross. The greatest power is when we were still sinners, Jesus died for us; when we were still God’ enemies, He died for us, laying down His life, that is the greatest power that the world has turned its back from. chasing powers that won’t satisfy. When they see the Son of Man hanging on the cross, bruised, bloodied, lacerated, faced marred beyond recognition, in His weakness in man’s eyes, He is strongest. Not even the greatest power in the world can do that. Not even the most powerful man in the world can do the same, unless it is Christ living in Him.

But I’ll show you power greater than the cross: the power of the resurrection. The dead has no choice but to stay dead. The desperate man is in a much better position, because he has the choice to either be suicidal, to destroy his life or to get back up on his feet. The dead has none of these choices. Yet the dead Christ raised Himself up, and through His resurrection, even the most hopeless being finds hope, because if even the dead can raise himself up, so can anyone under the most difficult of circumstances.

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The house of God is within the soul

The house of God is within the soul

The house of God is within the soul, the kingdom which is not seen by human eyes. If you would find this Silence of the soul you must yourself prepare the way. None but the pure in heart may enter here.
So lay aside all tenseness of the mind, all business cares, all fears, all doubts and troubled thoughts; let your human will be absorbed by the divine so that you can come into a consciousness of holiness. You are in the Holy Place, and you will see upon a living shrine
the candle of the Lord aflame. And when you see it burning there, look deep into the temple of your heart, and you will see it all aglow.

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Within you are two selves – the higher and the lower

Within you are two selves - the higher and the lower

Within you are two selves – the higher and the lower: the wicked and the good; the flesh and the Spirit; the sinful and the Divine, the carnal and the spiritual; Cain and Abel; Adam and Christ.

The lower self, like grass, will pass away;
he higher self is God in man, and will last forever; the higher self is the truth; the lower self is the reversal of truth and manifestation of falsehood;
higher self breeds love, joy, peace, righteousness and mercy, justice, mercy, love and right; the lower self breeds slander, murder, hatred, theft, and everything that harms;.
The higher self is the seat of all virtues; the lower self offers pleasure and satisfying gains but produces stress, misery and death;

Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self.

The real enemy from which men must be redeemed the lower self.
If man would find his enemy he must look within; his name is self.
If man would find his Savior he must look within; and when the enemy has been dethroned, the Savior, Love, will be exulted to the throne of power, and the Son of God within will be revealed.

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Life is in the BLOOD.

Life is in the BLOOD.

Blood delivers oxygen to all parts of the body. Mature red blood corpuscles don’t have nucleus, therefore, no DNA, no head. In the body of Christ, those who have Christ as their head think as Christ, speak as Christ and act as Christ. They are the beheaded ones who have a joint-seating with Him on His throne. They overcame because He overcame and they are One with Him. They are the mature red blood corpuscles who deliver life into the body.

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The Universe…

The Universe...

Why is the the universe so spacious and knows no end? Because it is continually expanding. Why is the black hole so small and dense? Because it is continually imploding. He who gives of himself is continually expanding his tent, while the selfish person continually looks into his own needs and thus keeps on shrinking.

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